My previous article introduced Ktor and some of its basic features for building web applications. Now, we’ll expand the example application developed in that article by adding persistent data and HTMX, which will provide more interactive views. This gives us a setup with a lot of power in a relatively simple stack.
Please see the previous article for the example application code and setup. We’ll build on that example here.
Add persistence to the Ktor-HTMX application
The first step toward making our application more powerful is to add persistent data. The most popular way to interact with an SQL database in Kotlin is with the Exposed ORM framework. It gives us a couple of ways to interact with the database, using either a DAO mapping or a DSL. Kotlin’s native syntax means the overall feel of using the ORM mapping layer has less overhead than others you might have encountered.
We’ll need to add a few dependencies to our build.gradle.kt
, in addition to those we already have:
dependencies {
// existing deps...
You’ll notice we’ve included the exposed core and JDBC libraries, as well as a driver for the in-memory H2 database. We’ll use H2 as a simple persistence mechanism that can easily be switched over to an external SQL database like Postgres later on.
Add services
To start with, we’ll create a couple of simple services that interact with a main service, which talks to the database. Here’s our QuoteSchema.kt
file so far, which sets up the database schema and provides service functions for interacting with it:
// src/main/kotlin/com/example/plugins/QuoteSchema.kt
package com.example.plugins
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
object Quotes : Table() {
val id: Column = integer("id").autoIncrement()
val quote = text("quote")
val author = text("author")
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id, name = "PK_Quotes_ID")
data class Quote(val id: Int? = null, val quote: String, val author: String)
class QuoteService {
suspend fun create(quote: Quote): Int = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
transaction {
Quotes.insert {
it[this.quote] = quote.quote
it[] =
} get
} ?: throw Exception("Unable to create quote")
suspend fun list(): List = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
transaction {
Quotes.selectAll().map {
id = it[],
quote = it[Quotes.quote],
author = it[]
There’s a lot going on in this file, so let’s take it step-by-step. The first thing we do is declare a Quotes
object that extends Table
. Table
is a part of the Exposed framework and lets us define a table in the database. It does a lot of work for us based on the four variables we define: id
, quote
, author
, and primary key
. The id
element will be auto-generated for an auto-increment primary key, while the other two will have their appropriate column types (text
becomes string
, for example, depending on the database’s dialect and driver).
Exposed is also smart enough to only generate the table if it doesn’t already exist.
Next, we declare a data class called Quote
, using the constructor style. Notice id
is marked as optional (since it will be auto-generated).
Then, we create a QuoteService
class with two suspendable functions: create
and list
. These are both interacting with the concurrent support in Kotlin, using the IO dispatcher. These methods are optimized for IO-bound concurrency, which is appropriate for database access.
Inside each service method, we have a database transaction, which does the work of either inserting a new Quote
or returning a List
of Quote
Now let’s make a Database.kt
file that pulls in the QuoteService
and exposes endpoints for interacting with it. We’ll need a POST
for creating quotes and a GET
for listing them.
package com.example.plugins
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.request.*
import io.ktor.server.response.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import java.sql.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun Application.configureDatabases() {
val database = Database.connect(
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1",
user = "root",
driver = "org.h2.Driver",
password = "",
transaction {
val quoteService = QuoteService()
routing {
post("/quotes") {
val parameters = call.receiveParameters()
val quote = parameters["quote"] ?: ""
val author = parameters["author"] ?: ""
val newQuote = Quote(quote = quote, author = author)
val id = quoteService.create(newQuote)
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Created, id)
get("/quotes") {
val quotes = quoteService.list()
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, quotes)
We begin by using Database.connect
from the Exposed framework to create a database connection using standard H2 parameters. Then, inside a transaction we create the Quotes schema, using our Quotes
class we defined in QuoteSchema.kt
Next, we create two routes using the syntax we developed in the first stage of this example and relying on the create
and list
functions and Quote
class from QuoteSchema
Don’t forget to include the new function in Application.kt
// src/main/kotlin/com/example/Application.kt
package com.example
import com.example.plugins.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.response.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
fun main(args: Array) {
fun Application.module() {
Notice I’ve commented out the old configureRouting()
call, so it won’t conflict with our new routes.
To do a quick test of these routes, we can use the curl
command-line tool. This line inserts a row:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Host: localhost:8080" -d "quote=FooBar.&author=William+Shakespeare" http://localhost:8080/quotes
And this one outputs the existing rows:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/quotes
Using HTMX for interactive views
Now let’s jump right into creating a UI to interact with the services using HTMX. We want a page that lists the existing quotes and a form that we can use to submit a new quote. The quote will be dynamically inserted into the list on the page, without a page reload.
To achieve these goals, we’ll need a route that draws everything at the outset and then another route that accepts the form POST
and returns the markup for the newly inserted quote. We’ll add these to the Database.kt
routes for simplicity.
Here is the /quotes-htmx
page that gives us the initial list and form:
get("/quotes-htmx") {
val quotes = quoteService.list()
call.respondHtml {
head {
script(src = "") {}
body {
h1 { +"Quotes (HTMX)" }
div {
id = "quotes-list"
quotes.forEach { quote ->
div {
p { +quote.quote }
p { +"― ${}" }
form(method =, action = "/quotes", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded) {
attributes["hx-post"] = "/quotes"
attributes["hx-target"] = "#quotes-list"
attributes["hx-swap"] = "beforeend"
div {
label { +"Quote:" }
textInput(name = "quote")
div {
label { +"Author:" }
textInput(name = "author")
button(type = ButtonType.submit) { +"Add Quote" }
First, we grab the list of quotes from the service. Then we start outputting the HTML, beginning with a head element that includes the HTMX library from a CDN. Next, we open a body
tag and render a title
(H1) element followed by a div
with the id
of quotes-list
. Notice that id
is handled as a call from inside the div
block, instead of as an attribute on div
Inside quotes-list
, we iterate over the quotes collection and output a div
with each quote and author. (In the Express version of this application, we used a UL and list items. We could have done the same here.)
After the list comes the form, which sets several non-standard attributes (hx-post
, hx-target
, and hx-swap
) on the attributes
collection. These will be set on the output HTML form element.
Now all we need is a /quotes
route to accept the incoming quotes from POST
and respond with an HTML fragment that represents the new quote to be inserted into the list:
post("/quotes") {
val parameters = call.receiveParameters()
val quote = parameters["quote"] ?: ""
val author = parameters["author"] ?: ""
val newQuote = Quote(quote = quote, author = author)
val id = quoteService.create(newQuote)
val createdQuote =
call.respondHtml(HttpStatusCode.Created) {
div {
p { +createdQuote.quote }
p { +"― ${}" }
This is pretty straightforward. One wrinkle is that Kotlin’s HTML DSL doesn’t like to send an HTML fragment, so we have to wrap our quote markup in a body
tag, which shouldn’t be there. (There is a simple workaround we are skipping for simplicity, found in this project called respondHtmlFragment). It seems likely that generating HTML fragments will eventually become a standard part of the HTML DSL.
Other than that, we just parse the form and use the service to create a Quote
and then use the new Quote
to generate the response, which HTMX will use to update the UI dynamically.
We went fast and lean with this example, to explore the essence of Ktor. However, we have all the elements of a highly performant and dynamic stack without much overhead. Because Kotlin is built on top of the JVM it gives you access to everything Java does. That, coupled with its powerful union of object-oriented and functional programming, and DSL capabilities, makes Kotlin a compelling server-side language. You can use it for building applications with traditional RESTful JSON endpoints, or with dynamic HTMX-powered UIs, as we’ve seen here.
See my GitHub repository for the complete source code for the Ktor-HTMX application example.